Our Mission

AJP’s mission is threefold: We safeguard the Constitutional rights of all Americans. We expand access to justice, helping impacted parties find their voice. We increase civic engagement by raising the public’s awareness about their inalienable rights.

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about AJP

AJP at work

Our Pillars

Injustice Disruption

AJP works to END THE CHOKEHOLD and prevent wrongful convictions.

Transparency & Accountability

We uncover official misconduct, curb unchecked authority, and advocate for justice.

Public Education

We educate the public about systemic injustices, and mobilize communities to drive lasting change.

End the Chokehold

What is the ChokeholdOfficials use oppressive tactics to coerce accused individuals into forced or false confessions, plea bargains, and other harms. We define those activities as Chokeholds 

Learn More About
the Chokehold


We answer the call in communities across the nation, advocating for people and families.



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